
Meet the founders and current board members of the Chronognostic Research Foundation...
Foundation Board Members
Janet F. Barstad - President
is a historian, writer, and botanist. Born in the historic town of York, Pennsylvania, she attended Middlebury College in Vermont, where she received a Bachelor of Arts in History; later she earned a Masters of Science in Botany, specializing in plant ecology, from Arizona State University in Tempe, Arizona.
Jan began her writing career as a staff writer for Paddock Publications (a suburban newspaper chain) in Arlington Heights, Illinois. In Arizona, she served as a public relations specialist for two Phoenix hospitals, and later as publications director for the Desert Botanical Garden. As a botanist, she worked as a riparian research technician for the research unit of USDA Forest Service at Arizona State University in Tempe. She served as a field representative for USDI Bureau of the Census from 2000 to 2004. Currently she is an Adjunct Faculty member of the Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies at Arizona State University, and a member of the Society for Historical Archaeology.
As a writer and editor, Jan has written many articles for Arizona Highways Magazine, other magazines, and science journals. She is the author of several books, including The Verde River Sheep Bridge and the Sheep Industry of Arizona and Hohokam Pottery. Most recently, she edited and wrote chapters for The International Handbook of Underwater Archaeology, published by Kluwer Academic Publishers in 2002. In 2004 she founded and is president of the nonprofit Chronognostic Research Foundation, Inc., whose aim is to pursue research into historical and archaeological questions. She lives in Tempe, Arizona, with her husband, Ron, and their eleven rescued cats.
[Click here for Jan's curriculum vitae.]
Ronald A. Barstad - Vice President and CIO
born in Indiana, grew up in New Jersey, Tucson, and Seattle, before arriving in Scottsdale, Arizona where he graduated from high school and Arizona State University with a B.S. degree in Engineering Science. At ASU he received various scholarships and earned the ?College of Engineering Sciences Scholastic Excellence? award. Ron?s engineering career began with the National Park Service at Grand Canyon.
He is now retired after 32 years as a software engineer with Honeywell, Motorola, and General Dynamics. At Motorola he led the team that designed the user interface for the public key encryption system now used by the National Security Agency for secure Internet communication. He has earned numerous technical excellence and innovation awards in software design and user interfaces. His best career memories come from the eight years he worked as a member of the Multics team at Honeywell.
While in college, he was active in the Arizona Mountaineering Club rescue team and appointed by the Phoenix Mayor to the Phoenix Mountains Preservation Commission. He has been active as a board member of outdoor organizations and has represented them at Federal, State, and local public hearings and forums. He has traveled and photographed extensively in the US and Mexico. His photographs have appeared in various local and international publications including Arizona Highways Magazine since 1987. In 2004 Ron and his wife Jan founded the Chronognostic Research Foundation.
Don Devereux - Director
is a veteran of the U.S. Army (Korean War), spending most of his tour on duty at Thule Air Force Base in northwest Greenland. He later attended the University of Illinois, and he graduated from Michigan State University with a degree in political science.
Don began his writing career in the 1960s while living in northern New Mexico. He also did research and collections work for the Museum of New Mexico and archaeological site location for the University of New Mexico. His subsequent journalism career in Arizona and New Mexico has included a wide range of print and broadcast outlets, including a decade with the Scottsdale Daily Progress and as a regular contributor to NBC-TV's Unsolved Mysteries. He recently completed a project with CBS News and has begun work on a book. His latest work is a blog which includes new info about the bombing death of a reporter friend.
He is a longtime member of Investigative Reporters and Editors, Inc., and twice has been a Pulitzer Prize nominee. In 2004 Don helped establish the Chronognostic Research Foundation. Don and daughter Raissa share their Tempe, Arizona home with several adopted stray cats.
Dr. Christine Haverington - Director
is a specialist in Medieval Studies. She earned a Bachelor of Arts in English Literature from Williams College in Williamstown, Massachusetts, graduating Phi Beta Kappa and Cum Laude. Subsequently, she earned Masters and Ph.D. degrees in English Literature at University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Christine served as Associate Professor of Medieval and Renaissance Literature at The College of Saint Rose, Albany, New York, from 1995 to 2006, teaching both undergraduate and graduate courses. She has also taught writing and speech as well as other communications courses at Berkshire Community College and University of Massachusetts, Amherst.
Her many administrative duties at The College of Saint Rose included a stint as Undergraduate Program Coordinator, and she served on the Academic Integrity Task Force, Academic Computing Committee, and Representative Committee of the Faculty, and was faculty sponsor for Sigma Tau Delta (The International English Honor Society). She helped found the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies, was executive director of Finhallow Institute for Art and the Human Spirit based in Newburyport, Massachusetts, was founder and facilitator of the Environmental Vision Group at the College of Saint Rose, and was co-organizer of the Alternative Writing Group in Albany. She also founded Jung: The e-Journal of the Jungian Society for Scholarly Studies.
Christine is a member of Sigma Tau Delta, the Society of Architectural Historians, the International Boethius Society, and the Preservation Society of Newport County. She currently serves as assistant to Wiliam Vareika, William Vareika Fine Arts, Newport, Rhode Island. Christine joined the Foundation board in December 2007 and lives in Middletown, Rhode Island.