
Rediscovering history, understanding time.
About Us
Founded in April, 2004, the Chronognostic Research Foundation is a non-profit corporation primarily interested in historical investigations.
The Chronognostic Research Foundation seeks out, conducts, and encourages research on subjects, persons, and events in human history that are unknown or uncertain or have been inadequately or inaccurately described. Such research will use, but will not be limited to, established historical and archaeological methods as well as new techniques of discovery. The Foundation will present its findings for the enlightment and education of various publics using standard communications methods.
What is "Chronognostic"?
Our name comes from the Greek roots for time and knowledge. We chose this name to reflect that we are Rediscovering history, understanding time. Sometimes, while examining a mysterious artifact, we might ask ourselves, What did they know and when did they know it?
Our logo: The "Clompass"
We've chosen as our logo a combination clock for chronos and compass direction for gnosis. We call it, naturally, a Clompass. At the upper left of each web page you will see a clock face with a compass needle in place of clock hands. Compass directions N, NNE, NE, and ENE replace the clock numbers 12 through 3 and surround the magnetic north pointing needle. The compass needle indicates the magnetic deviation at Tempe, Arizona of 12.5 degrees east of north. The south end of the compass points to 6:30 o'clock. The significance of this remains a mystery for the curious to solve. To see a larger more detailed view of our logo click here for a pdf image (110kb).
How we are funded
The Chronognostic Research Foundation is a non-profit Arizona corporation. All donations to the Foundation are fully tax-deductible according to IRS regulations for 501(c)3 corporations. Much of our funding comes from individuals such as yourself. We depend on patrons and benefactors who, like us, believe that history deserves a closer, more skeptical examination. If this intrigues you, please contact our president, Jan Barstad, to discover how you can help. Or, if you are ready to send a generous and tax-deductible donation, check our contact page for our mailing address.
Click here to meet our Board of Directors.
Our Advisory Board
The Foundation has an advisory board of archeologists, historians, educators, and academics who prefer to support us without fanfare. As we encourage them to come forward we will tell you more about them.